Samstag, 24. Mai 2014

Small detour off the beaten track

After having enjoyed so many kilometres of the beautiful croatian coastline we were up to a little change and took a turn into Bosnia Hercegovina. We stopped for lunch at Mostar, famous for it's bridge, and were amazed to find the little town buzzing with big crowds of tourists. Temperatures of more than 30 degrees made exploring the place a little unpleasant in our heavy motorcycle wear so we did not stay very long. The remaining 120 km to Sarajevo through beautiful scenery passed by quickly. We had imagined the town completely different and enjoyed the multicultural atmosphere very much. On the other hand you can still find many signs of the civil war so the impression you get is somehow ambiguous.  Of course we couldn't miss to take a look at the place where Franz Ferdinand was shot almost exactly 100 years ago.

The next day led us into the mountains of Montenegro through Durmitor national park and that was truely one of the most fantastic rides I've ever had! We took a small road that went up to almost 2000 m and the beauty of the scenery was overwhelming! Joining a bigger road later on we were surprised to find the roads of Montenegro as smooth as a babies' behind, as we say in german! Not wanting to miss Dubrovnik we took a final turn into Croatia and visited the historic town centre in the evening. It is in an incredibly perfect condition almost like a scenery built for a movie!
Today's plan is to make a 180 degrees turn and head for Albania.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Ihr beiden, das hört sich ja alles gut an. Die kroatische Küstenstraße haben Linda und ich auch sehr gut in Erinnerung. Traumhaft! Wie war Albanien? War uns damals noch verwehrt dort einzureisen. Die englischen Texte finde ich etwas mühsam. Stellt doch auch eine deutsche Variante ein. Viel Spaß in Griechenland! Liebe Grüße von Linda und Michael (Linda hat sich heute nach dem Motorrad gesehnt)

    1. Hallo Ihr beiden Radler! Durch die englischen Texte musste durch! Wir sind doch zum Motorradfahren unterwegs und nicht zum Tippen! ;-) Ich hab Dir übrigens Geburtstagsgrüße aufs Handy geschickt, die gingen dann wohl leider ins Leere...
      Euch auch weiterhin viel Spaß auf Eurer langen Reise!
      Grüße auch an TL
